LuxaCore Z Dual. Core build-up and root post cementation with just one material.
LuxaCore Z Dual
LuxaCore Z Dual is DMG’s premium material for core build-up and root post cementation. It offers dentine-like trimmability and thus enables particularly controlled substance removal and precise preparation.
LuxaCore Z Dual has precisely the flow properties that make your work easier: optimum flow in the root canal on the one hand, and excellent stability during core build-up on the other.
Reliable through-curing is of decisive importance, especially for post-endodontic restorations. LuxaCore Z Dual is dual-curing, so it optimises the workflow. While chemical curing ensures the best results in the root canal, which is difficult for light to reach, light curing in the coronal area allows you to work quickly and without any stress.
An optimum preparation is essential for a long-lasting restoration. With LuxaCore Z Dual, you can optimally control the burr so that no difference is felt, especially at the transitions between dentine and LuxaCore Z Dual. This tactile stability permits groove-free preparations without any undercuts, presenting ideal conditions for precise working. The result: The result: excellent fit, a long-lasting restoration and the best possible care for your patient.
LuxaCore Z – AM A3 1 Cartridge 48g
30 Automix-Tips Yellow
20 Intraoral-Tips Yellow
10 Endo-Tips Yellow
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